I currently serve as the Director General and Chairman of the Board at Slovakia's Cyber Security Competence and Certification Centre and a member of the the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre Governing Board. My career in cybersecurity spans significant roles across the private and public sectors, including a stint as an Executive Consultant at IBM Security Services and Chief Security Officer at several major banks. I specialize in strategic decision-making within the European cybersecurity community, coordinating national cybersecurity initiatives, and spearheading innovative research and development in cybersecurity and information technologies.
I am involved in essential insights and testimonies in a legal context, advancing cybersecurity education and certification programs, aiming to enhance national cybersecurity capabilities and awareness. I actively participate in leading industry bodies, including ISACA, ECSO, ENISA, AKB, and the ISO/IEC.
Ivan Makatura
ivan (at) makatura.sk
Bratislava, SK
Check out my professional accreditation and competency
Software engineering
Applied Informatics
Judicial Expertise and Forensics
Dissertation thesis: Conformity assessment methodologies and development of metrics for estimating trends in cybersecurity
My level of abilities, expertise, and interpersonal skills, which enables me to perform specific tasks effectively
Check out my books, articles and blog posts
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Always available for work if the right project comes along, Feel free to contact me!